Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Suprabhatham
O Son of Easwaramba! O Resplendent Majestic One! Dawn is heralding in the East. The daily tasks of Divinity, which Thou hast undertaken has to be accomplished, therefore, awake, O Lord Sathya Sai!
Awake, Awake, O Lord of Parthi! O Lord of the entire Universe and Mankind! Awake, O Compassionate Lord! So that the world attain auspiciousness, happiness, prosperity, welfare and blessings.
In the vast Mansion, full of bliss and tranquility, (Prashanthi Nilayam) on the banks of the river Chitravathi, those anxious to serve Thee are waiting for Thy Darshan. The radiance of the Sun is illumining the World. O Lord Sathya Sai! Blessed by Thy wakefulness, we pray for an auspicious day.
Devotees engrossed in singing Thy Glory are happy and blissful, when they taste the nectar of devotion. Kindly shower Thy Grace by granting them Thy Darshan. O Lord Sathya Sai! Blessed by Thy wakefulness, we pray for an auspicious day.
Bringing holy flowers with captivating colors and fragrance, for worshipping Thy Lotus Feet, in the form as prescribed by the scriptures; Thy devotees are coming in, with great yearning and enthusiasm. O Lord Sathya Sai! Blessed by Thy wakefulness, we pray for an auspicious day.
Wise persons from distant countries, moved by yearning to have Thy Darshan, have come and they are having great delight in reciting constantly mantras of the Vedas. O Lord Sathya Sai! Blessed by Thy wakefulness, we pray for an auspicious day.
Hearing Thy marvelous tales and fame that has reached the farthest horizons, earnest seekers of Reality have come to this place and are waiting. O Lord Sathya Sai! Blessed by Thy wakefulness, we pray for an auspicious day.
Women devotees, whose (petals of) heart are unattached to the world like Lotus petals (which are unattached to the water in which they grow, even though they cannot survive without water) and are similar to Mother Seetha in virtues and piousness are singing Thy Glory - the Glory of Lord Shiva adorned with Serpent around His neck - through holy hymns holding excellent flower garlands in their hands. O Lord Sathya Sai! Blessed by Thy wakefulness, we pray for an auspicious day.
Whoever daily recites this morning awakening Hymn will attain the Highest Abode resplendent with the Supreme intelligence as well as Supreme wisdom.
May the divine Guru be auspicious to us; May the Bestower of wisdom be auspicious to us; May the Lord, Who manifested in Parthi be auspicious to us; May Bhagawan Sathya Sai Baba be auspicious to us.
Om Shanthi Shanthi Shanthi